Despite the current Coronavirus lockdown, which has meant the group have no access to our club house, railway modelling is still being carried out by our members.
This blog focuses on our new layout, a replacement for the old Tamerig.
Club Member Bob Eyles has been working on some of the control electronics:
- The 'Fast' UP and Down panels have been assembled and wired. Now awaiting lettering ready to be 'fablon'd'.
- 'Slow' UP and Down are in a similar state, but not yet wired.
- Diode matrix boards have been designed and made for each of the Slow lines (for when running on 'manual')
Club Member Frank Barrett has been working on one of the many buildings we will need. The group decided to base the main station building on Exeter Central station, as it provides a substantial focal point. The building has been scratch built using plasticard, with the various elements required for the build being cut out using a Silhouette Portrait machine, which saves time but also ensures a consistent level of quality.